Jackson was wound up when we got home from the fair last night...probably because all of thie ice cream. He wanted to play so we decided to let him ride his rocking horse and cow for the first time. He loved it! He even acted like he knew what he was doing by grabbing the horses reign and kicking its side with his feet. Kentucky Derby here we come!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Chad and Brittany brought Jackson to the fair last night while I worked at the Beef Show. Once I was done we took Jackson to ride the carousel. He wasn't quite sure what to think about it, I am sure he will enjoy it more next year! Of course since we were at the fair we had to let him have his favorite junk food...ice cream! Next to the ice cream his favorite part was the pigs and the rabbits. He even stuck his hand in the rabbit cage and grabbed it. I am trying to convice Chad that Jackson needs a pig and a rabbit but I am not getting anywhere! We are already dying for Jackson to be old enough to show!
Please mom, let me hold it!!!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
We All Scream for Ice Cream
Happy BIrthday to You...
Tonight we went to Regan's Birthday Party. It was a lot of fun and Jackson had a great time watching all of the kids. Thanks for inviting us Regan and Happy Birthday again!!

Reese Cup
Check out my daddy's farmers tan!!
All of the partygoers. I was the only boy, what a life!

Regan opening her presents. She got so much cool stuff! She even got an Ipod! Hint hint mom and dad :)
Me and Bibi
The birthday girl riding on her palm tree.
Thanks for the party favor Regan. I love the shoes and the teething ring!
Mom, I want to go to the party not take pictures in the yard!
Oops I forgot my shades, now you can take it.
This is my intellectual look...
Kentucky Kandids
We are back from Kentucky and boy did we have a great time. It is always so much fun to go there and see everyone. Jackson got to see lots of his great aunts and uncles, played with the cows and dogs, and went to Nina's work to meet all of his dedicated blog readers! He also learned new tricks like fake coughing when someone else coughs (thanks Nina) and saying bye bye! Here are a few more pictures from the trip. Also, thanks Mike, Patricia, Claire, Laura, and Maggie for pitching in so Chad could go!
First Hair Trim!
Even though we know you are suppose to wait one year, we had to break down and get Jackson's hair trimmed while we were in Kentucky. We aren't counting it as his first haircut because there wasn't enough to save, it was just his first trim! We are so glad we did it, his hair doesn't stick up everywhere anymore, it lays down so much better. Thank you Taby for cutting it and Deidra for holding me while Taby cut it!

Machinery Man
Jackson got to spend lots of time with Pop and Uncle Brady while we were in Kentucky. Of course they wasted no time introducing him to all of their toys...Jackson loved them of course!
The Talking Tree
Jackson needed some new shoes so while we are in Kentucky we went to the Talking Tree to get some. This is where I got all of my shoes when I was a kid and they are great. As the name says they have a talking tree that talks to the kids when they leave...it is magic!
Blue Ribbon Baby
Jackson got to show his very first calf last weekend at the Mercer County Fair in Kentucky. Chad was the judge so of course he did great! Brady took Jackson in the ring and they had a big time. Jackson's favorite part was chewing on the leather show halter. When Jackson gets big and shows cows all the time he can say he literally grew up teething on a show halter!
Brady introduced me to Spirit, their Shister Junior Calf. She went on to be Supreme Junior Champion....I have good cow taste!
Mmmmm...tastes like show halter.

Aww, come on Uncle Brady why are we in the middle, I wanna be in first!
Mmmm...I like blue!
Blue was my favorite color, now I think I like purple better!
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