Saturday, November 15, 2008

So Big

Jackson has changed and grown so much in the last few weeks it is incredible. He has 7 teeth now, is walking everywhere and says all kinds of things. Monday he will start the 12-18 month class at school. They decided to move him a little early because he is the oldest in his class and was getting bored. He'll be the youngest now but he loves the big kids so that's okay. We will miss his teacher so much but know he'll like the new place as well.
Jackson's new favorite thing is sitting in a chair. He loves putting himself in the bumbo and we moved his chair from his room downstairs and he has been spending tons of time playing in it. Here are some pictures of today and yes his shirt does say "Lock up Your Daughters" too cute!

1 comment:

Timbrook Boys said...

Love the shirt!!! Jackson is growing so fast. Enjoy it because time flies!!!!