Sunday, March 29, 2009

Looking for Spring...

It looks like March came in like a lion and will go out like a lion here. We are still desperately looking for some warm days and sunshine after having only a few pretty days lately. We have been occupying our time the best we can but Jackson is desperate to play outside and it gets harder and harder!

A few other reasons we have spring fever:

I did find out last week that I WILL have a teaching job next year. It is not set in stone what I will be teaching yet but the real blessing is just that I have a job!

After Pitt, Memphis, and Louisville got beat my bracket is pretty much fried for the rest of the tournament. I am pulling for Villanova now so every one else's is screwed up too!

We are super sad that Billy G was fired from U.K. It definitely doesn't see fair to me and I think Uncle Bill would be disappointed. I am just hoping we get someone good to replace him...I am hoping for John Calapari myself but that doesn't seem likely!

Pictures of the one nice day we had....

Pictures of us trying to occupy Jackson all the other days he couldn't go outside...

Mommy just found me this way in the bathroom in my pjs and bucket hat playing with the dog leash!Helping mommy cook.
Making sure she does everything just right.

Obviously she didn't listen.

Playing hide and seek with daddy.

Hiding in my room.

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