Monday, August 18, 2008

First Day of "School"

Today was Jackson's first day at Rosedale. Most days I will take him but since I had to work until 5 today Chad took him. I think it broke Chad's heart when Jackson didn't cry when he left. He just got in the floor and started playing! The day seemed to go pretty well. His teacher said he was her new favorite and she couldn't believe that he held his own bottle, went to sleep on his own, and didn't take a pacifier...made us feel like we are doing something right! I hope things keep going well, all I can say so far is that we love it!

This is my serious school look.
My shopaholic mother is determined for me to be the best dressed kid at Rosedale. I definitely won today!
Mom wanted to take my picture with my backpack...I wanted to stand up on the rocking chair.
Playing with my toys one last time before time to go.
Phew I learned a lot today. When I got home I worked on my numbers on the fridge. Mom is sure I was close to figuring out the speed of light here.

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