Believe it or not, I finally did a couple of things we can report, we made it out of the land of the boring!
Friday night Chad kept Jackson so that Tarinda and I could go see "He's Just Not That Into You". It was one of my favorite books in college and I read it not that long before I met Chad. A few years ago I reccomended it to Tarinda when she was going through a rough time and she loved it too, so it seemed fitting we would go together. I can not tell you how cute it is! We really enjoyed it. It wasn't quite what I pictured after reading the book which was hard to overlook but I think anyone who hasn't read the book would think it was awesome.
Chad had the afternoon off on Saturday so we went to his mom and dad's for the day since we don't get there often. Jackson had such a good time playing with his cousins and enjoying the warm weather it was great.
Sunday was pretty laid back and we just sat home and enjoyed the nice day. Jackson wanted to stay outstide all day which would be less troublesome if he understood the concept of the electric fence, but since he doesn't I spent most of the time catching him and dragging him away from it.
We have a busy week this week but are looking forward to it. Jackson has his valentine's day party at school on Friday and his outfit made it just in time. Then we are looking forward to a nice 3-day weekend at home.

Playing in nana's pots and pans.

Johnny and I thought this was a really fun game!
Another favorite of me and all my cousins are these batons!

Me, Johnny, and Daddy outside on the deck.