Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day from Jackson! He had is party at school today and his teacher said he didn't know where to start or stop eating! He also made the cutest craft at school with a lot of help I am sure, but they did have him color it. I can't tell you how blessed we are that he goes to such a great place.

Nina, Pop, Brady, and Brittany sent Jackson the cutest lion that shakes and giggles which he has had a big time with, he started clapping when he opened it! We have a pretty low-key day planned tomorrow I am afraid, just hanging out at home as a family. I think Jackson and I will make some cupcakes and and maybe have a heart shaped grilled cheese or two!

Yay! A noisy toy!

Of course the packaging was much more fun to play with!

Me, ready for school with the lion Nina & Pop sent.

I am not sure what I was trying to do here.

Hoard's Dairyman new ad campaign "Hoard's Dairyman, information you can rest your head on"

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