Finally almost halfway through another week! I made it through the state fair over the weekend. It was actually a really nice show and I had a great time judging. As scary as it is Chad and I actually agreed on just about everything...I don't think that has ever happened! We got to do a little Christmas shopping while we were there for farm toys which was great.
have been busy starting to plan Jackson's birthday party. It is hard to believe it has almost been a year, time is just going by way too fast. I am headed back to the state fair on Friday with the kids and then am looking forward to a hopefully quiet weekend at home!
A few pictures from the last week:
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Everything...that is what Jackson is into now. I have never been up and down the steps so many times or said no so much. I am guessing it is only going to get worse now that Jackson is becoming a toddler. Jackson learned to give high five with his dad this week which is super cute and he also stood up on his own for the first time. He tried to let go and take his first step but fell first, at least he is trying though.
We have a busy weekend here. Jackson is going to stay at Nana and Poppy's because I am judging the Virginia State Fair so Chad and I are headed to Richmond. I am sure we will have some pics when we get back. In the meantime here are some pictures from the last couple of days, it is a hodge podge.

This is my new cute trick...clapping!
This is how you make butter. First you put the milk in this can to seperate the cream.
Then you put it in the butter churn!
I'll read the directions, you do what I say.

We have a busy weekend here. Jackson is going to stay at Nana and Poppy's because I am judging the Virginia State Fair so Chad and I are headed to Richmond. I am sure we will have some pics when we get back. In the meantime here are some pictures from the last couple of days, it is a hodge podge.
Daddy bought me this new walking toy and I helped him put it together.
Last Thursday we went to Harrisburg to see all the Waverly cows show. It definitely wasn't the best day we have ever had, but Jackson did have a great day playing with Reese. Here are a few pictures of the day! I should have called the post, Jackson plays with wheels because that is about all he did all day, they are his new obsession.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
9 months old
On Monday Jackson turned 9 months old so we went to the doctor today for our 9 month check-up. He was in the 20th percentile for weight at a whopping 19lbs. 2 oz. and the 90% for height at 29.5 inches! We are thinking of blood typing him soon, how we ended up with a tall skinny child is beyond us! He is healthy as a horse though. The doctor said to keep trying to get him to eat, it will work eventually. Chad told him all Jackson ate was Bacon and he said to give him as much bacon as he wanted, so I am leaving the skillet on the stove for now! He also got his first flu shot which he definitely wasn't crazy about. The doc also said he was very advanced in his motor skill development. Usually when they are ahead in motor skills they are behind in verbal and vice versa but Jackson was right on target with verbal skills too with all the words he is saying! Yay! Most importantly, all the nurses loved his outfit and we all know that is what is really important :)
Tomorrow is Harrisburg which we are anxiously awaiting. I am sure I will have lots of pics tomorrow evening. I am suppose to be trying out my new camera on the cows but I think I will end up with more of Jackson and Reese playing in the barn! We have a brown cow outfit laid out of course.
These pictures have nothing to do with going to the doctor but I took them this morning and tonight so I thought I would share. Chad is mortified Jackson had my necklace on this morning so please don't tell him I shared!!
Tomorrow is Harrisburg which we are anxiously awaiting. I am sure I will have lots of pics tomorrow evening. I am suppose to be trying out my new camera on the cows but I think I will end up with more of Jackson and Reese playing in the barn! We have a brown cow outfit laid out of course.
These pictures have nothing to do with going to the doctor but I took them this morning and tonight so I thought I would share. Chad is mortified Jackson had my necklace on this morning so please don't tell him I shared!!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Happy Birthday
Yesterday I turned 25...that is right a quarter of a century! Even though I was feeling pretty old yesterday it is nice to know that no matter how old I get, Chad is still older! Chad came through and got me a new camera, a Sony Powershot DSC-H10. It is wonderful, I could not be happier! I am already amazed at the cool things it will do and how awesome the color is. The last camera Chad got me was modern at the time, but is amazing how things have changed! I can't wait to really put it to the test Thursday at Harrisburg, my Kodak never did good at cow shows!
Mom and Brittany were here for the weekend and we had a great time. I think they were amazed at how much Jackson had changed and I know he had fun playing with him! Mom taught him to go all the way up the steps so I am already having lots of fun spending hours letting him go up and down.
We went shopping yesterday in Hagerstown and had a blast. I found some super cute clothes to judge the Virginia State Fair in and mom treated me to some new outfits for my birthday. Last night, Chad took me to Charles Town to the racetrack which I was nervous about at first but it was so much fun! We ate at the Skyline Terrace which was an AMAZING seafood buffet where I ate my weight in shrimp, clams, and mussels. The restaurant overlooked the track so we could bet while we ate which was great. I totally sucked on the horses, my Keeneland days are well over! After losing 3 times, we decided we were each going to play the slots once just to say we did it. Chad totally sucked but I won $65.00 which was a lot of fun! Thanks Chad for planning a nice evening out, it was great to eat a meal without baby food flying from one end to the other.
In Jackson news, he has learned to clap which is too adorable for words and mom swears he said great day yesterday, which I am still questioning slightly. We have such a busy week this week, Jackson turns 9 months old tomorrow (where does the time go??), has his 9 month check-up on Wednesday, and I am taking the day off on Thursday to go to Harrisburg to watch the show. Check in often this week for hopefully lots of updates!
Mom and Brittany were here for the weekend and we had a great time. I think they were amazed at how much Jackson had changed and I know he had fun playing with him! Mom taught him to go all the way up the steps so I am already having lots of fun spending hours letting him go up and down.
We went shopping yesterday in Hagerstown and had a blast. I found some super cute clothes to judge the Virginia State Fair in and mom treated me to some new outfits for my birthday. Last night, Chad took me to Charles Town to the racetrack which I was nervous about at first but it was so much fun! We ate at the Skyline Terrace which was an AMAZING seafood buffet where I ate my weight in shrimp, clams, and mussels. The restaurant overlooked the track so we could bet while we ate which was great. I totally sucked on the horses, my Keeneland days are well over! After losing 3 times, we decided we were each going to play the slots once just to say we did it. Chad totally sucked but I won $65.00 which was a lot of fun! Thanks Chad for planning a nice evening out, it was great to eat a meal without baby food flying from one end to the other.
In Jackson news, he has learned to clap which is too adorable for words and mom swears he said great day yesterday, which I am still questioning slightly. We have such a busy week this week, Jackson turns 9 months old tomorrow (where does the time go??), has his 9 month check-up on Wednesday, and I am taking the day off on Thursday to go to Harrisburg to watch the show. Check in often this week for hopefully lots of updates!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Bye Bye
Jackson learned to wave bye bye this weekend at Miss Patricia's on Saturday. Its probably because we cut all of his hair off Saturday. I was so inspired I cut all of mine off too. Here are some pics of the new haircut and Jackson's latest trick going up the steps...our life is over!
I guess I can play with my hairbrush now since I don't have nearly as much hair to brush!
The puppies are chaning almost as fast as Jackson. Here are some new pics of them in case you are interested! The pictures aren't the greatest, turns out they are as hard to catch as Jackson too.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Lots of Change
The past few weeks have brought so many changes in Jackson. He is now a champion crawler and had moved onto cruising around the furniture. He still loves Rosedale and Miss Deanie and Miss Melody. He even cries when we pick him up because he wants to stay...meanwhile I cry because he likes it there better than home! Here are a ton of pictures from the last week or so...
The showbox is one of my favorite toys because I can pull all of mommy's pictures and baskets off of it!

I also love drawers for obvious reasons, especially pulling all mom's clothes out of the dresser when she is trying to get ready for work in the morning.
I think mom took this to prove I do wear my clothes more than once sometimes.

This is my favorite book because it has a dog in it that looks just like my Bailey!

One of my favorite games is looking at Bailey through the door. He likes it almost as much as I do.
This was our "photo shoot" for the Maryland Virginia Calendar. We were all actually pretty good and Laura even got some without any of us crying! Isn't she a great photographer? We think she needs to open a studio, lord knows my mom alone could keep her in business!
This was the one we picked! We all had a great time giving the calf a bath!
I loved playing in the bubbles.

This bottle is more my size!
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