Wednesday, September 17, 2008

9 months old

On Monday Jackson turned 9 months old so we went to the doctor today for our 9 month check-up. He was in the 20th percentile for weight at a whopping 19lbs. 2 oz. and the 90% for height at 29.5 inches! We are thinking of blood typing him soon, how we ended up with a tall skinny child is beyond us! He is healthy as a horse though. The doctor said to keep trying to get him to eat, it will work eventually. Chad told him all Jackson ate was Bacon and he said to give him as much bacon as he wanted, so I am leaving the skillet on the stove for now! He also got his first flu shot which he definitely wasn't crazy about. The doc also said he was very advanced in his motor skill development. Usually when they are ahead in motor skills they are behind in verbal and vice versa but Jackson was right on target with verbal skills too with all the words he is saying! Yay! Most importantly, all the nurses loved his outfit and we all know that is what is really important :)

Tomorrow is Harrisburg which we are anxiously awaiting. I am sure I will have lots of pics tomorrow evening. I am suppose to be trying out my new camera on the cows but I think I will end up with more of Jackson and Reese playing in the barn! We have a brown cow outfit laid out of course.

These pictures have nothing to do with going to the doctor but I took them this morning and tonight so I thought I would share. Chad is mortified Jackson had my necklace on this morning so please don't tell him I shared!!

Mommy swears this is a necklace but it seems more like a jump rope to me!

Mommy and Daddy thought this face was pretty adorable!

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