Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Another week

Finally almost halfway through another week! I made it through the state fair over the weekend. It was actually a really nice show and I had a great time judging. As scary as it is Chad and I actually agreed on just about everything...I don't think that has ever happened! We got to do a little Christmas shopping while we were there for farm toys which was great.

have been busy starting to plan Jackson's birthday party. It is hard to believe it has almost been a year, time is just going by way too fast. I am headed back to the state fair on Friday with the kids and then am looking forward to a hopefully quiet weekend at home!

A few pictures from the last week:

I loved the bed at Nana's the poles were great for jumping!
Dada and I sharing a bagel...
Ready for school...
still waiting for mom to get me in the car!
I love the puppies as long as they stay on the other side of the door so they can't jump on me!

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