Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Another Week

Just another week here. I am finally beginning to admit that with teaching school, going to school, and raising a soon to be toddler I may only be able to blog once a week. I hate not being able to share pictures more often but I feel like time just gets away from me these days. Jackson is still changing a little more all of the time. He is adding more words to his vocabulary. His new favorite is uh-oh which is pretty funny to hear. He is amazingly close to walking. He will let go of the furniture for a minute or two until he realizes he isn't holding on, then he gets scared and grabs it again. He is still into everything of course and wears us out trying to catch him. Of course his appetite is still come and go and his favorite food choices change daily. Today our favorites are sugar snap peas (don't ask me why!) graham crackers with bananas sandwiched inside, and of course our go to favorites bacon and cheese straws. Mmmm...doesn't that make you hungry!

In other news we went to church for the first time in what seemed like forever Sunday. Much harder with Jackson now! He was very hard to entertain and keep still. We did okay until he threw a cookie and it hit someone in the head 2 rows up. After that he went to the crying room with Chad to burn off some energy! Lets hope next Sunday goes better!

Dressed and ready for school, just needed to play a few minutes first.

Playing with the train set Nina got me.

Riding on Reese's Muffin Man car. It was so much fun!

My favorite place to play...mommy's bed!

This is exactly why you don't give a 9 month old spaghetti.

Dressed and ready for church!

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